12 Feb 2011

my style sisters

I could write love letters to both of these women; Alexa Chung & Sienna Miller.

I haven't seen a single pic of either of them that didn't make me drool over their girly yet relaxed looks.

Can't put my finger on it, but there's something unique & inspiring in the way they dress, the way they are.

I'm positive of one thing: They make everything look gorgeus.

All my lovin to these women!


  1. stumbled onto your blog, i love these two! they are really style queens, and everything alexa wears is adorable :) maybe we could follow each other if you like! happy valentine's day!

    love, M

  2. they are amazing style icons. i love their outfits. great post

    F. (opinionslave.blogspot.com) x
